Published Juni 28, 2022 by with 0 comment

tips healthy food Sunnybrook holiday infographic

Hey y'all! Today I wanna share with you some great tips for healthy eating. As black folks, we know the importance of taking care of ourselves and our bodies, and that starts with what we eat. Check out these tips and let's strive for a healthier lifestyle together!

Monthy Tips for Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating Tips


  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Lean proteins: chicken, fish, turkey, beans, lentils, tofu
  • Healthy fats: nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil


  1. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors. This ensures that you get a variety of nutrients.
  2. Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and fast food. These foods are often high in calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats.
  3. Choose whole grains instead of refined grains. Whole grains are rich in fiber and important vitamins and minerals.
  4. Include lean proteins in your meals such as chicken, fish, turkey, beans, lentils, and tofu.
  5. Choose healthy fats such as nuts and seeds, avocado, and olive oil.
  6. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  7. Avoid skipping meals or eating too much at once. Aim for three balanced meals a day and snacks as needed.
  8. Get moving! Regular exercise is important for overall health and wellbeing.

Healthy Eating Tips from Coach Biglee

Healthy Eating Tips


  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Lean proteins: chicken, fish, turkey, beans, lentils, tofu
  • Healthy fats: nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil


  1. Eat breakfast every day to jumpstart your metabolism and provide energy for the day ahead.
  2. Choose snacks that are high in protein and fiber to keep you full and satisfied between meals.
  3. Use herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor your food.
  4. Make your own meals whenever possible, rather than relying on takeout or pre-packaged foods.
  5. Avoid eating too much sugar, especially from processed snacks and drinks.
  6. Experiment with different types of cuisine to keep your meals interesting and flavorful.
  7. Listen to your body and pay attention to when you feel full and satisfied.

There you have it, y'all! Some great tips for healthy eating. Remember, taking care of ourselves is the ultimate form of self-love, and what we put into our bodies plays a big role in that. Let's support each other in striving for a healthier lifestyle!

If you are looking for Monthly tips for healthy eating you've came to the right place. We have 3 Pictures about Monthly tips for healthy eating like 6 tips to make good nutrition and healthy eating easier, Healthy Eating Tips | Biglee and also 6 tips to make good nutrition and healthy eating easier. Here it is:

Monthly Tips For Healthy Eating

Monthly tips for healthy eating

sunnybrook holiday infographic

Healthy Eating Tips | Biglee

Healthy Eating Tips | Biglee

6 Tips To Make Good Nutrition And Healthy Eating Easier

6 tips to make good nutrition and healthy eating easier

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6 tips to make good nutrition and healthy eating easier. Easier nutritional. Healthy eating tips

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Published Juni 08, 2022 by with 0 comment

tips healthy septic 5 tips to keep your septic system healthy

Siapa di sini yang mengandalkan sistem septik sebagai bagian dari pengolahan limbah rumah tangga? Pastinya banyak yang memasangnya di rumah untuk mengolah kotoran manusia dan limbah cair rumah tangga. Meski terlihat sederhana, septic tank ini membutuhkan perawatan khusus, terutama di musim panas. Agar sistem septik tetap awet dan berfungsi dengan baik, perlu diperhatikan tips-tips berikut.

Tip #1 - Pakai Pengurai Septik

Musim panas membuat bakteri dalam tangki sistem septik bekerja lebih lambat dari biasanya. Bakteri ini berfungsi untuk mengurai padatan di dalam septic tank, jika kinerjanya terganggu maka bisa menyebabkan masalah serius seperti banjir amonia dan toksin di tanah. Oleh sebab itu, pakailah pengurai septik sebagai terapi bakteri dalam sistem septik agar bisa bekerja lebih efektif.

Summer Tips for Your Septic System

Tip #2 - Jangan Buang Benda Asing ke Septik Tank

Jangan buang bahan-bahan asing ke tangki septik, seperti kain, minyak, obat-obatan. Tidak hanya mengganggu kinerja sistem septik, tetapi juga berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan keluarga. Pastikan tidak ada bahan kimia limbah rumah tangga yang masuk ke dalam sistem septik.

5 Tips to Keep Your Septic System Healthy

Tip #3 - Pangkas Akar Pohon di Dekat Septik Tank

Pohon yang ditanam terlalu dekat dengan tangki sistem septik memiliki akar yang besar dan kuat yang bisa merusak pipa dan sistem septik secara keseluruhan. Pastikan memotong akar pohon di sekitar sistem septik secara teratur untuk menghindari kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh rambut akar pohon.

Tip #4 - Perbaiki Kerusakan Segera

Selalu perhatikan kondisi sistem septik dan pastikan kerusakan kecil segera diperbaiki. Diamkan kerusakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama bisa meningkatkan risiko kerusakan yang lebih parah dan membuat biaya perbaikan lebih mahal.

Tip #5 - Kontrol Penggunaan Air

Salah satu penyebab umum sistem septik mengalami kerusakan adalah penggunaan air secara berlebihan dalam jumlah yang tidak seimbang. Cara terbaik untuk mengontrol penggunaan air adalah dengan memperbaiki pemanfaatan air rumah tangga dan menggunakan alat bubuk mesin cuci biodegradable.

Sekian tips untuk menjaga sistem septik agar tetap sehat dan berfungsi dengan baik di musim panas. Lakukan perawatan teratur dan pastikan tidak membuat kesalahan dalam penggunaannya. Ingat, pengolahan limbah rumah tangga yang baik juga membantu menjaga kesehatan keluarga dan lingkungan sekitar.

If you are searching about Summer Tips for Your Septic System - Supeck Septic Services you've visit to the right page. We have 3 Pictures about Summer Tips for Your Septic System - Supeck Septic Services like Do Your Part, Get Septic Smart, Summer Tips for Your Septic System - Supeck Septic Services and also Do Your Part, Get Septic Smart. Here it is:

Summer Tips For Your Septic System - Supeck Septic Services

Summer Tips for Your Septic System - Supeck Septic Services

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Do Your Part, Get Septic Smart

Do Your Part, Get Septic Smart

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5 Tips To Keep Your Septic System Healthy - Brian Wear Plumbing

5 Tips to Keep Your Septic System Healthy - Brian Wear Plumbing

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Septic system maintenance tips smart part health permit onsite systems water conservation environmental inspection license program. Septic assainissement tank fosse septique filtre fossa compact pozzo compacte artesiano biologica eaux pouzzolane dispositifs differents fonctionnement destroying choisir usées. Do your part, get septic smart

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